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What is your tumblr url? *

Please note, you must put your tumblr url/username and not your or other domain type.

From now on, if you only put a or other domain type, your application will automatically be denied, without notification.

If the blog you're submitting is a side blog, please also provide the url of your main blog here.

This is so I can confirm whether you're following the directory blog

Is your blog multi-fandom? *

Shipping or non-shipping blog? *

By non-shipping, I mean any blog that contains no shipping content or at least very little shipping content.

What ships do you want your blog to be listed under?

Skip this if you answered non-shipping for the previous question.

For multi-fandom blogs, please only list your supernatural ships.

Please list all the ships you want to be listed under in the directory.

Please do not write non-specific things such as 'various other ships' or 'various femmeslash ships.' You must specifically write out every ship you wish to be listed under. I will not search through your blog to find out what you ship.

If you post any original content, please select what type/s.

Select as many as apply

Who is your favourite character?

(optional) Only need answer if you would like to be included in the 'blogs by favourite character' page.'

Anything else you'd like to say?

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